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Dancer in Sunset


It's a movement!

Let go of your inhibition and reconnect with your body and soul

through music and intuitive movement.


Live and Streaming Online!

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

About Mindful Movement

Tune into the energy within and around you as your body expresses itself through the music. Float through the movement as you bring awareness to what is stirring inside your heart and soul. Opening a portal between the two and creating a conversation with your body.


This class is lightly guided but you are free move to your own groove. We begin with gentle warm-ups and slowly allow our body to move freely to the music. 

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

Soul Of Yoga
627 Encinitas Blvd.
Encinitas, CA 92024

Purchase In Advance, Watch Later!

If you can't make the live class, you can purchase it in advance! We will send you the link after class so you can view it at your leisure. You will have access to the video for 7 days! 

Are You Ready For The Movement?


Concrete Wall
Join me for Rhythmic Movement Classes In-Person or Online!

Rhythmic Movement

Dance to a fusion of music from around the world! This class weaves in freestyle movements, dance steps and choreographed dance. You may find yourself sweeping across the floor to a samba step, working on isolated body movements or following along to a dance routine!

Join me for Sounds For Sleep Virtual Healing Sessions!

Sounds For Sleep

Send yourself to sleep through the harmonic sounds of the crystal bowls, Koshi chimes and other beautifully soothing instruments. No need to leave your home, simply find a comfortable spot to lay, tune out the world, and tune into the healing frequencies.

Join me for Mindful Movement Classes In-Person or Online!

Mindful Movement

Tune into the energy within and around you as your body expresses itself through the music. Float through the movement as you bring awareness to what is stirring inside your heart and soul. Opening a portal between the two and creating a conversation with your body.​

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